So, Arizona has been a blast so far! I love being able to see my family for a while. Plus, I was here just in time for my little brother to open his mission call to the Peru Trujillo Mission. He leaves May 23rd.
I also talked to my old bishop and got some of my mission paperwork so that I can finish my papers up in Utah. A week from today, I pretty much only need my wisdom teeth pulled and the interviews with my bishop and stake president, and then I can turn in my papers. I'M SO EXCITED!!! All the rest of my dental work is getting done down here, thanks to a family friend.
With all this excitement, my favorite spiritual song right now is "All Times, All Things, All Places" by Chad Neth. This song reminds me that you can't just go on a mission and magically be spiritually in tune and familiar with the scriptures. The lyrics for this song are below.
It's not in the letter, I can't wait to open.It's not in the badge that will carry his name.It's not gonna grow in just three weeks of studyOr magically come when I get on a plane,So today I'm becoming who I'm meant to be,The worthy, unshakeable witness he needs
At all Times, All things, All places,I will sing and shout His praises,I will tell the whole world that I know what his Grace isAt all times, in all things, in all places...
It comes as I study the words of the prophets,And think about all that those words meant for me,As Abraham's son I am part of the promise,That all of the earth would be blessed by his seed,I know what my Savior expects me to bethe faithful, unchangeable witness he needs
At all times, all things, all places...I will sing and shout His praises,I will tell the whole world that I know what his Grace isAt all times, in all things, in all places...
All eyes, All ears, All hearts,All faces, All rich, All poor,All lives, All ages, All roads. All doors,All lands, All nations, All Earth, All kin.All Tongues, All races
At all times, all things, all places...I will sing and shout His praises,I will tell the whole world that I know what his Grace isAt all times, in all things, in all places...At all times, in all things, in all places...Such a wonderful song and message! I'm so excited to go on a mission!