Friday, August 17, 2012


I'm going through the Temple tomorrow! I'm so excited! I went to the temple yesterday and visited my dad then wandered the grounds. Everything is so beautiful and peaceful there. I'm so excited to be able to enjoy that same sweet spirit in the temple.

I also went and took my missionary plaque picture yesterday. It came out pretty good, thanks to my wonderful photographer, Steve Nissle. Seriously, this guy did my family's pictures and all of my brother's mission pictures. I love his style.

My mother will most definitely laugh at me for this part, but I'm putting it anyway. I do not like spiders!!!! They are really just weird and I hate seeing their legs move. Does anyone happen to know if they have any really weird or large spiders in Georgia? I would really like to know BEFORE I get there. I just keep running into spiders with some long legs (but not long enough to be a daddy long legs) and I kept running into them when I lived in Utah, so I'm a little done with spiders. I don't think you can really ever escape them though. Bummer! :/

Oh, so I authorized my dear sweet mother to be an author on this blog so that you can all read my letters and mom doesn't have to get every single person's email address and etc, etc, etc. It's just easier to post it on here and have you guys come and go as you like. I'll try to write so my letters aren't a bore, but I make no promises :)


  1. I hope your temple experience was amazing Candace. We were dropping Ali off at Snow while you were there.

  2. Did I tell you I killed a black widow when I got home from my trip? I over killed it and haven't bothered to move it dead body. I figured I'll leave it there as a sign to other spiders saying something like this, "Send me your worse and I will give you back cooking sprayed death." XD

    1. That's so funny! But incredibly scary! I love you and miss you, but I definitely do not miss all the spiders... XD


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