Monday, July 30, 2012

A bad map and some raving

So, here's my mission boundaries...sorta. The green surrounded area is the approximate area. This map looks a little different than the one they sent me in my packet, but I don't have a scanner and I can't find it on the internet, so a more accurate map will follow. 

I sorta go all around Atlanta, but I don't think I actually go in it.

Sooo, some funny facts I have learned about Georgia:

Georgia is about half the size of my home state of Arizona. However, look at the difference between their counties.

15 for Arizona, 159 for Georgia. That's insane! Even when the two states are blown up so they look the same size, you can barely read what the Georgia map says.

You know what I'm really excited about in Georgia, well besides the number one priority of serving the people? THE FOOD!!!! The food in this state is what people consider comfort food or good home cookin'. Fried chicken, pulled pork, cornbread, peaches, pecans, fried green tomatoes, I just want to try it all! I'm glad I feel this way, cause I've never really like grits (what seems to be a staple in the Georgia diet) or peach cobbler (which is supposed to be such a good dessert). I'll try all that I'm offered if I can.

Thursday, July 26, 2012


I got my mission call today, and it turns out I'm going to Georgia Atlanta North Mission! I report on September 19th. Sooooooo, the ones who got the mission report date right are...

Corey Smith
Keisha Hansen
Alejandra Ocampo-Hironymous
Rachel Weaver

Congrats Guys!!! And the closest guess...

Nathan Hironymous with North Carolina!

All the Illinois guesses were close, but Nate won. And your prize...

Knowing you won :)

I know, lame. Sorry

I should be posting more about my mission in the next couple weeks, but I'm moving down to Arizona next week, so you might have to wait until after that.

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

...? Oooooookay...

I have no clue when my papers are coming I guess. Right now, I'm fine with it. The Lord will send me when he wants me to go. Give me like 10 hours and I'll probably start freaking out again. That's when I remind myself that the Lord is taking care of me and that he knows what I need most in my life. He will know when I am supposed to go. He will take care of me. I just have to remind myself of this time and time again. The Lord is ever mindful of us.

So, in the meantime, I ask about others days and try to help others out if I possibly can. "Lose yourself in service" would be awesome right now. I just don't know a ton of places to serve. Wait...indexing! This will be a partial solution. Indexing is a perfect service that you can even do from the comfort of your own home. I always forget about it cause I accidentally took it off my desktop.

Random Thought: In case anybody was wondering where an awesome name like Candace comes from, I'm not quite sure. However, it is referenced in Acts 8:27 "Candace queen of the Ethiopians" That's right, some people can brag that they share names with celebrities, but I share mine with a queen from a powerful kingdom in the Bible. Thank you Mom and Dad for making me feel important :)

Sunday, July 8, 2012

On the Road again!

As of Thursday Morning, my psych evaluation has been sent in and my papers are on the move again! I'm guessing I'll get my call on the 18th or 19th of July although there is a chance it could come this week. I'll make sure to post on here when I get it!

I'm so excited1