Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Arizona, Here I come!

Scripture of the Week: 2 Nephi 28:21 and 24
We can never become complacent. We have to keep moving forward and trying to improve.

I have been working on moving forward on my mission papers. So, I am headed down to Arizona tomorrow! Ms. Rachel Schlappi, a good friend, is getting married next weekend, and I'm going to reception. While I am down there, I should be getting the last of my dental work done, with the exception of my wisdom teeth. That's another large step towards a mission!

Anyway, I'll be in Arizona for two weeks of partying and visiting my amazing family. I haven't been gone that long, but I'm ready to be home!

Oh, by the way, Happy Centennial Birthday Arizona! Happy Valentine's/Single's-Awareness Day to the rest of you. Hope you all have a great a wonderful day!

1 comment:

  1. I can't wait to see you. I would be at the airport already waiting but my boss wants me at the office. Go figure.
    I love you


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